Parallelization with Slurm and GNU parallel

Setting up parallelization at the right level is crucial for efficient computing. Depending on your workflow, different tools are avaliable for parallelizing across nodes on cluster. GNU parallel is a great tool for “easily parallelizable” workflows (i.e. don’t require message passing) on Linux machines. Such workflows typically involve launching independent tasks with a combinatoric set of parameters; a common example of this use case is hyperparameter tuning. Other packages may be available in various programming languages, but orchestrating the resource allocation alongside the top-level conductor, Slurm, can be challenging. Therefore, we are providing some examples of best practices for allocating, utilizing, and scaling up resources for computing in parallel over a grid of arguments.

GNU Parallel in a single job

GNU Parallel is a great option because it is easily coupled with slurm to launch multiple instances of a program as one job in parallel. There are advantages for launching one sbatch job over many, including reducing overhead and improving runtime as well as averting limits on number of queued and running jobs.

R example with big data

Let’s say we have a working script in R named test_args.R that takes in some arguments:

args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

fmt_str = paste("Rello, from ",["nodename"], "...   Arguments: ")
for (a in args) {fmt_str <- paste(fmt_str, " ",  a)}

This script simply prints the arguments (and the hostname so we can confirm that both nodes are being utilized), but let’s imagine that it loads our data and trains our model. Before even thinking about scaling up for hyperparameter tuning, we need to understand what resources are required for a single instance.

Examining utilization of a single instance

To begin developing our workflow, we will run a single instance of our program as a batch job on the normal_q partition on the tinkercliffs cluster. First, we set our sbatch parameters. With 8 cpus per task, and default 1 node and 1 task per node, we are telling slurm to how many resources we need overall and how to dedicate a certain amount of resources to a single task. Next, we’ll print some job information for logging. Then, we load R as a module. Finally, on the last line, we run our R program. Below is the script hello_R.job to run a single instance of our program:

#SBATCH -p normal_q
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH -J Rello
#SBATCH -D MyProjects/parallel_R
#SBATCH -o ./job_outputs/slurm-%j-%x.out

echo "date: `date`"
echo "hostname: $HOSTNAME"; echo
echo -e "\nChecking job details for CPU_IDs..."
scontrol show job --details $SLURM_JOB_ID

module load apps site/tinkercliffs/easybuild/setup
module load R/4.2.2-foss-2022b

Rscript test_args.R param1 param2 param3

Mind the directory structure. I have the hello_R.job file in the ~/MyProjects/parallel_R directory. With the -D sbatch parameter I am setting the working directory for the job, so I will submit the job from my $HOME directory denoted ~ in the command prompt. The job submission from the login node looks like this:

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ sbatch MyProjects/parallel_R/hello_R.job 
Submitted batch job 2518599

Let’s examine our memory utilization with seff <jobid> to determine if we requested enough resources. We see that a single execution of our toy script utilized only 2MB, but let’s pretend that we saw 10-12G of RAM is required to load our large data and train the model. This would tell us that 8 cpus per task is sufficient for our workload.

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ seff 2518599
Job ID: 2518599
Cluster: tinkercliffs
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 8
CPU Utilized: 00:00:03
CPU Efficiency: 9.38% of 00:00:32 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:04
Memory Utilized: 2.21 MB
Memory Efficiency: 0.01% of 15.00 GB

Knowing this memory demand, we can tell slurm what resources we need and how to dedicate the right amount to each task in a parallel setup. 8 CPU cores will be associated with 15GB since the default mem-per-cpu is ~2GB (an even split of the 256GB across all 128 cores per node as shown in this table). Our slurm configured maximum for mem-per-cpu is ~2GB. If you increase this, you will be allocated more cpus and you will be charged accordingly. From the sbatch manual:

Note that if the job’s –mem-per-cpu value exceeds the configured MaxMemPerCPU, then the user’s limit will be treated as a memory limit per task; –mem-per-cpu will be reduced to a value no larger than MaxMemPerCPU; –cpus-per-task will be set and the value of –cpus-per-task multiplied by the new –mem-per-cpu value will equal the original –mem-per-cpu value specified by the user.


Terminology around cluster architecture is important here. In slurm verbiage, a cpu is a core of a multicore node. “CPU”, “core”, “chip” and “processor” refer to the same hardware component. These terms can also apply to hardware on a local desktop machine. In HPC and research computing, a “node” in a cluster is a connected set of processors; a “partition” is a connected set of nodes. We publish the type of cpus (“Chip”) available on each partition for each cluster (e.g. Tinkercliffs and Infer) along with some details about memory and network connection. The different types of chips can accomodate different memory and processing loads. Which resources and how many are the key factors for optimizing runtime efficiency.

A digression on slurm accounting

Let’s check that we got the resources we expected. Sacct displays useful information about requested and allocated resources. We can use it with various flags such as -u for user name, -j for the system-wide unique job ID, -X for less about individual job steps, -o for the fields to print, and “%xx” for the number of characters of the field to print. You can run the following command to confirm your requested resources and allocated resources:

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ sacct -u slima2 -j 2518599 -X -o jobid,jobname,reqtres%45,alloctres%45,state
JobID           JobName                                       ReqTRES                                     AllocTRES      State 
------------ ---------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- 
2518599           Rello                billing=8,cpu=8,mem=15G,node=1                billing=8,cpu=8,mem=15G,node=1  COMPLETED 

Here, we requested 8 cpus on a single node which gave us 15G of memory and we were indeed allocated that. A common case that may lead to unexpected results is the use of the –mem or –mem-per-cpu sbatch parameters. Let’s try another set of sbatch parameters in a slurm job script we’ll call RuhRoh.job:

#SBATCH -p normal_q
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10G
#SBATCH -D MyProjects/parallel_R
#SBATCH -o ./job_outputs/slurm-%j-%x.out

echo "date: `date`"
echo "hostname: $HOSTNAME"; echo
echo -e "\nChecking job details for CPU_IDs..."
scontrol show job --details $SLURM_JOB_ID

module load apps site/tinkercliffs/easybuild/setup
module load R/4.2.2-foss-2022b

Rscript test_args.R param1 param2 param3

When we examine the accounting of our job, we see a discrepancy between the requested vs allocated resources. Even though we specified a single cpu in our request, we were actually allocated and billed 6 cpus to accomodate our memory request. For this reason, we recommend specifying the number of cpus that is associated with your memory requirement, rather than using the –mem flags, in order to avoid unexpected results.

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ sacct -u slima2 -j 2597516 -X -o jobid,jobname,reqtres%45,alloctres%45,state
JobID           JobName                                       ReqTRES                                     AllocTRES      State 
------------ ---------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- 
2597516          RuhRoh                billing=1,cpu=1,mem=10G,node=1             billing=6,cpu=6,mem=10242M,node=1  COMPLETED

Now that we have a deeper background on how slurm allocates resources, let’s get back to our parallelization effort…

Defining our parallelization scheme

We want to tune 3 hyperparameters each with different settings for a total of 512 configurations, and we want to speed up our gridsearch by parallelization. Let’s set our sbatch parameters so that each task will be allocated 8 cpu cores and each node can run 16 tasks, for a total of 128 cores per node (the entire node in this case). Let’s request 2 nodes for a total of 480GB of RAM (=15GBpertask*16taskspernode*2nodes or ~2GB*128cores*2nodes). To actually use all of these requested resources efficiently, we will use srun and GNU parallel to properly dedicate memory and processing from 8 cpus for each task.

We have two options for setting this up: one where a single srun calls parallel and one where parallel calls srun multiple times. The pros and cons of each setup come from the strengths and limitations of the tools srun and parallel in the context of the application.




Slurm srun

binding resources to tasks (CPU/GPU/memory)
ensuring exclusive exclusivity via cgroups
launching across multiple nodes

higher overhead for each task startup
no load balancing
cluster step limits

GNU parallel

load balancing (ie. feeding N sets of parameters on P processors where N >> P and keeping all processors busy)
argument parsing and combinatorics (ie. input from file(s), stdin, reading directory listings, handwritten lists, etc.)
low overhead

difficult to do task binding to resources
difficult to spawn workers on multiple nodes

Ultimately, our goals are efficiency and usability. Different workflows have different demands that may make one setup a better choice than another. Below is a list of some considerations when these overall goals in mind from an HPC perspective.



efficient usage of resources ~= minimal time to solution

1. reduce overhead where possible (minimize srun tasks relative to parallel)
2. avoid slamming nodes with too many i/o intensive workers, especially when the i/o is on remote file systems like /projects, /home (8-10 simultaneous i/o processes is probably an ideal max)
3. avoid idling cores/nodes whenever possible (minimize asymmetry of task sizes apriori so that you don’t end up with one task running for hours longer than the others.)

ease of orchestration

1. easy to understand chunking of the input domain(s)
2. easy to understand parallelization schemes
3. easy to read and understand the code
4. adaptable to other problem sets if possible

Srun calling parallel (srun ... parallel ...)

In this setup, we will have a single srun step. Our batch job shell script multinode_par.job looks like this:

#SBATCH -p normal_q
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH -D MyProjects/parallel_R
#SBATCH -o ./job_outputs/slurm-%j-%x.out

echo "date: `date`"
echo "hostname: $HOSTNAME"; echo
echo -e "\nChecking job details for CPU_IDs..."
scontrol show job --details $SLURM_JOB_ID

# Generate configurations and write commands to file
param1=$(seq -f "alpha-%g" 4)
param2=$(seq -f "beta-%g" 8)
param3=$(seq -f "gamma-%g" 16)
parallel --dry-run Rscript test_args.R {} ::: $param1 ::: $param2 ::: $param3 > $CMD_FOUT

module load R/4.2.2-foss-2022b

# run parallel for each node
driver_fn () {
    echo "$SLURM_NODEID"

    cat $CMD_FOUT | \
    parallel -j $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE {}
export -f driver_fn

# the script will be executed ${SLURM_NTASKS} times
srun --ntasks=$SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES bash -c "$(declare -p CMD_FOUT); driver_fn"

We use the --dry-run flag to write all arguments to a file called commands.txt. This will allow us to divide the total number of tasks by the number of nodes. We specify ${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES} parallel workers (tasks) in srun, executing our driver shell script with multiple cores per task and multiple tasks per node. Our driver bash function driver_fn will call our R script ${SLURM_NTASKS} times for each node. For dividing the tasks across nodes as mentioned, we use an awk command, otherwise duplication will occur.

Examining our resource utilization of the job after successfully completing, we can see that our job indeed was allocated 128 cores per node, 2 nodes, and 480GB of memory as expected.

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ seff 2627276
Job ID: 2627276
Cluster: tinkercliffs
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 2
Cores per node: 128
CPU Utilized: 00:02:43
CPU Efficiency: 1.25% of 03:37:36 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:51
Memory Utilized: 119.06 MB (estimated maximum)
Memory Efficiency: 0.02% of 480.00 GB (1.88 GB/core)

If we change the number of nodes to 3, we would expect an even faster walltime with more resources utilized:

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ seff 2560737
Job ID: 2560737
Cluster: tinkercliffs
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 3
Cores per node: 128
CPU Utilized: 00:02:57
CPU Efficiency: 1.65% of 02:59:12 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:28
Memory Utilized: 11.30 MB (estimated maximum)
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 720.00 GB (1.88 GB/core)

Requesting more resources will result in longer waiting times in the queue, so the tradeoff between queue wait-time and job walltime should be weighed on a case by case basis. Different setups will be more or less optimal for different workflows. It’s important to understand as a baseline how your program works on a single node before scaling up to multiple nodes.

Parallel calling srun (parallel ... srun ...)

Let’s say we have the same working script test_args.R with the same arguments. In this setup, we will use parallel to launch 32 simulataneous sruns (=16tasks*2nodes) with the -j flag and the $SLURM_NTASKS variable. Below is our job script for this setup par_multistep.job:

#SBATCH -p normal_q
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH -D MyProjects/parallel_R
#SBATCH -o ./job_outputs/slurm-%j-%x.out


param1=$(seq -f "alpha-%g" 4)
param2=$(seq -f "beta-%g" 8)
param3=$(seq -f "gamma-%g" 16)

module load apps site/tinkercliffs/easybuild/setup
module load R/4.2.2-foss-2022b

parallel -j $SLURM_NTASKS srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=8 Rscript test_args.R {1} {2} {3} ::: $param1 ::: $param2 ::: $param3

Examining our resource utilization, we can see we have the same number of cpus and memory as before with the same #SBATCH parameters.

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ seff 2560745
Job ID: 2560745
Cluster: tinkercliffs
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 2
Cores per node: 128
CPU Utilized: 00:03:50
CPU Efficiency: 2.99% of 02:08:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:30
Memory Utilized: 3.74 MB
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 480.00 GB
[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ seff 2560771
Job ID: 2560771
Cluster: tinkercliffs
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 3
Cores per node: 128
CPU Utilized: 00:03:57
CPU Efficiency: 2.94% of 02:14:24 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:21
Memory Utilized: 3.74 MB
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 720.00 GB

Besides the difference in syntax in how we are passing arguments to the parallel command, many more srun calls will be made which may put us at risk for hitting step number quotas. For completeness, we show below the difference in the number of steps in the two setups:

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ sacct -j 2627276
JobID           JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode 
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 
2627276            parR   normal_q     arcadm        256  COMPLETED      0:0 
2627276.bat+      batch                arcadm        128  COMPLETED      0:0 
2627276.ext+     extern                arcadm        256  COMPLETED      0:0 
2627276.0          bash                arcadm        256  COMPLETED      0:0
[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ sacct -j 2560745
JobID           JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode 
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 
2560745            parR   normal_q     arcadm        256  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.bat+      batch                arcadm        128  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.ext+     extern                arcadm        256  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.0       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.1       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.2       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.3       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.4       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.5       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.6       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.7       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.8       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.9       Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.10      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.11      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.12      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.13      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.14      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.15      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.16      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.17      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.18      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.19      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.20      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.21      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.22      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.23      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.24      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.25      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.26      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.27      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.28      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.29      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.30      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.31      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.32      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.33      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.34      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.35      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.36      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.37      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.38      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.39      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.40      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.41      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.42      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.43      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.44      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.45      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.46      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.47      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.48      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.49      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.50      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.51      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.52      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.53      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.54      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.55      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.56      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.57      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.58      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.59      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.60      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.61      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.62      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.63      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.64      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.65      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.66      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.67      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.68      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.69      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.70      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.71      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.72      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.73      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.74      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.75      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.76      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.77      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.78      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.79      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.80      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.81      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.82      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.83      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.84      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.85      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.86      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.87      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.88      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.89      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.90      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.91      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.92      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.93      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.94      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.95      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.96      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.97      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.98      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.99      Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.100     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.101     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.102     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.103     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.104     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.105     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.106     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.107     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.108     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.109     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.110     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.111     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.112     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.113     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.114     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.115     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.116     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.117     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.118     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.119     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.120     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.121     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.122     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.123     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.124     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.125     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.126     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.127     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.128     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.129     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.130     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.131     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.132     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.133     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.134     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.135     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.136     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.137     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.138     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.139     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.140     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.141     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.142     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.143     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.144     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.418     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.450     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.454     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.455     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.457     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.464     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.465     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.469     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.472     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.476     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.482     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.483     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
2560745.484     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0 
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2560745.511     Rscript                arcadm          8  COMPLETED      0:0

Max number of srun steps

In order to manage fairness of this valuable shared resource, there are limits on requests. One relevant limit here is the number of srun calls (aka steps):

[slima2@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ scontrol show config | grep -i step
InteractiveStepOptions  = --interactive --preserve-env --pty $SHELL
MaxStepCount            = 40000
UnkillableStepProgram   = (null)
UnkillableStepTimeout   = 180 sec

Therefore, a single job with the setup above will be limited to 40000 configurations, unless multiple configurations are passed to each call of the working script.

Python example with GPUs

Below is the working python script that prints not only the arguments, but also the hostname which that particular instance of the program is running on:

import argparse
import os

if __name__ == "__main__":

    print("Hello, testing args from... ", {os.uname()})

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Parallel_Python', description='Read arguments for launching an instance of the program.', epilog='Example with header and configuration')

    parser.add_argument("-t", "--header", help="config header")
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--line", help="config line")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    H = args.header.split(',')
    L = args.line.split(',')

    fmt_str = "Arguments::  "
    for h, l in zip(H, L):
        fmt_str += h+': '+l+'  '

We will use a csv file config.csv shown below with 5 hyperparameter configurations, passing each line as a single argument to the python script:


Srun calling parallel (srun ... parallel ...)

The following example requests 2 t4 nodes on Infer with GPUs, and runs 2 tasks simultaneously (=1task*2nodes). Our batch job script multinode_par.job looks like this:

#SBATCH -p t4_normal_q
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH -J parPy
#SBATCH -D MyProjects/parallel_Py
#SBATCH -o ./job_outputs/slurm-%j-%x.out

echo "date: `date`"
echo "hostname: $HOSTNAME"; echo
echo -e "\nChecking job details for CPU_IDs..."
scontrol show job --details $SLURM_JOB_ID

# Generate configurations and write commands to file
configs=$(cat config.csv)
header=$(echo "$configs" | head -1)
lines=$(echo "$configs" | tail -n +2)
parallel --dry-run python -t {1} -l {2} ::: $header ::: $lines > commands.txt

srun --ntasks=$SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES --gres=gpu:1  bash commands.txt

Our driver script which calls the working script is the same as the driver_fn previous example:



cat $1 | \
parallel -j $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE {}

Examining our resource utilization of the job after successfully completing, we can see that our job indeed was allocated 2 nodes as expected.

-bash-4.2$ seff 296285 
Job ID: 296285
Cluster: infer
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 2
Cores per node: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:00:01
CPU Efficiency: 50.00% of 00:00:02 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:01
Memory Utilized: 2.57 MB (estimated maximum)
Memory Efficiency: 0.02% of 11.12 GB (5.56 GB/core)

Parallel calling srun (parallel ... srun ...)

This setup requests the same amount of memory and processing resources, also with 2 tasks simultaneously:

#SBATCH -p t4_normal_q
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH -D MyProjectDirectory
#SBATCH -o ./job_outputs/slurm-%j-par.out

scontrol show job --details $SLURM_JOB_ID

configs=$(cat config.csv)
header=$(echo "$configs" | head -1)
lines=$(echo "$configs" | tail -n +2)

parallel -j $SLURM_NTASKS srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --gres=gpu:1 python -h {1} -l {2} ::: $header ::: $lines

With seff we can see that we were allocated 2 nodes, with a total of ~12GB of RAM:

-bash-4.2$ seff 293488
Job ID: 293488
Cluster: infer
User/Group: slima2/slima2
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 2
Cores per node: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:00:00
CPU Efficiency: 0.00% of 00:00:02 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:01
Memory Utilized: 1.15 MB
Memory Efficiency: 0.01% of 11.12 GB

After this batch job completes, we can check the IDs of our allocated resources and confirm that they line up with our requests as expected. Below is the expected output from this example showing that both nodes inf[007,012] are utilized for the job:

Mon Jul 15 10:30:02 EDT 2024

JobId=293488 JobName=par_py.job
   UserId=slima2(22539809) GroupId=slima2(22539809) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=1210 Nice=0 Account=arcadm QOS=normal
   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:00:00 TimeLimit=01:00:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2024-07-15T10:46:04 EligibleTime=2024-07-15T10:46:04
   StartTime=2024-07-15T10:46:33 EndTime=2024-07-15T11:46:33 Deadline=N/A
   SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0 LastSchedEval=2024-07-15T10:46:33 Scheduler=Backfill
   Partition=t4_normal_q AllocNode:Sid=infer1:4373
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=2 NumCPUs=2 NumTasks=2 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=1:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
     Nodes=inf007 CPU_IDs=0 Mem=5696 GRES=gpu:turing:1(IDX:0)
     Nodes=inf012 CPU_IDs=20 Mem=5696 GRES=gpu:turing:1(IDX:0)
   MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryCPU=5696M MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

('Hello, testing args from... ', set([('Linux', 'inf007', '3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64', '#1 SMP Thu May 4 15:21:22 UTC 2023', 'x86_64')]))
Arguments::  Model_Name: "model1"  alpha: 1  gamma: 1

('Hello, testing args from... ', set([('Linux', 'inf012', '3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64', '#1 SMP Thu May 4 15:21:22 UTC 2023', 'x86_64')]))
Arguments::  Model_Name: "model2"  alpha: 1  gamma: 2

('Hello, testing args from... ', set([('Linux', 'inf007', '3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64', '#1 SMP Thu May 4 15:21:22 UTC 2023', 'x86_64')]))
Arguments::  Model_Name: "model3"  alpha: 2  gamma: 1

('Hello, testing args from... ', set([('Linux', 'inf012', '3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64', '#1 SMP Thu May 4 15:21:22 UTC 2023', 'x86_64')]))
Arguments::  Model_Name: "model4"  alpha: 2  gamma: 2

('Hello, testing args from... ', set([('Linux', 'inf007', '3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64', '#1 SMP Thu May 4 15:21:22 UTC 2023', 'x86_64')]))
Arguments::  Model_Name: "model5"  alpha: 2  gamma: 3


This documentation site was developed primarily in reference to material presented at PEARC24 conference.